Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Who is the big boy?

7 months old! In 5 short months, we will be celebrating his first birthday!!! Soooo exciting. So since our last post, Jax sits up on his own perfect! He also has 3 teeth in and 2 about to break through. He is on Gerber 2nd foods, drinks juice in the sippy cup everyday, has breakfast, lunch & dinner and also gets a "cookie" almost every day. I weighed him yesterday, the 20th, and he weighed 18 pounds 14 ounces and was 28-1/2" long! He is wearing 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diaper. He is still very happy, even cutting the teeth and he loves Jack's Big Music Show! Everyday, there is something new with him and everyday, thinking I love him the most I ever can, I find a way to love him even more!

Jax's Mommy