Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's been too long

Okay, I'm going to write this to Jax....

Dearest little boy,

I haven't had a chance to update your blog because you keep me very, very busy! We had your 15 month check up and you weigh 22 pounds, 2 ounces and are 31-3/4" long. Your tall and skinny. You got 2 shots, one in your arm that hurt you very bad. I was sad. You have 15 teeth and 1 more about to pop. You like all foods, especially yogurt, fruit and fruit snacks. You eat like a bird. You drink 3-4 glasses of milk every day, and 2-3 glasses of diluted juice. You walk and run, run, run! You are just starting to climb on things, but haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet. You say mama, dada and ball. You know what fruit, milk, and juice mean. You point at everything, hoping we give it to you. You make a mess all over the house, love to play in your play room and are completely obsessed with the roomba. You love the TV, specifically Blues Clues, Jacks Big Music Show, Dora the Explorer and Fresh Beat Band. I read 2 books to you every night, a random one and Your My Little Love Bug. It's your favorite and you grab it for me when I sit down. You occasionally make me cry, only because I look into your eyes and see so much love, innocence, happiness and heart. I love you so much, I don't even comprehend it. I never knew that a feeling like this existed, until I looked into your eyes. I want you to know that these last 15 months have been the best moments in my life. You are so amazing, I know that you will have a wonderful life ahead of you!

Love you mucho,

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